How to Ask for a Donation Match for Big Day of Giving

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By Taylor Toledo, 2019 Inspire Giving Communications Committee
Brand Manager, 3fold Communications

How to Ask for a Donation Match for Big Day of Giving

With Big Day of Giving just around the corner, you may be feeling the pressure to give, and to give in a meaningful way.. You’ve dipped your toes into philanthropy, and you love to give back to your community, but you feel like your donation may not be enough. Right?

Wrong! Inspire Giving believes a little is enough, if enough people do it. When you donate to Inspire Giving on Big Day of Giving, your donation is combined with others to be able to collectively give a $10,000 grant the following year.

One way to make your dollar stretch further on May 2nd is by asking for an employer match. Here are steps you can take to convince your employer that Inspire Giving is a worthwhile investment and that it’s important to support Big Day of Giving’s regional 24 movement to raise unrestricted funds for local nonprofits.

Communicate the Importance of the Cause

The great thing about Inspire Giving is its reach. We give to different types of organizations that touch all parts of our community. Arts? Check. Business? Ready workforce? Check. Social issues? Check. If your employer is inclined to donate to a cause that is close to their heart you can let them know that annual grant dollars donations are allocated to recipients based on ‘give categories’, and their sweet spot may come up in the near future, if their preferred area to give isn’t already on the docket.

Emphasize the Benefits

Most companies are happy to match donations or provide in-kind services for philanthropic opportunities that make sense for their business. When making an ask to your employer about giving on BDoG, make sure you let them know what it will do for them. Some silver linings for businesses include:

  • Good PR
  • Developing community partnerships
  • Boosting employee morale
  • Networking with like-minded individuals and organizations
  • Business opportunities with nonprofits

Check their Track Record

Was your company started as a nonprofit? Does your CEO have a soft spot for arts and culture? Does your manager volunteer in the community? Before you make your ask, do a bit of research to understand the tie-in to your organization and if a similar pitch has been made in the past and how it was received. If there is no evidence of past support, tailor your pitch to ensure you’re presenting this as an opportunity to delve into this space and you’re happy to lead the effort.

Position as a Business Pitch

Let me guess – your manger’s busy? Don’t worry. To get on a busy person’s radar, it’s important to cater to their needs. Do you know that your manager prefers to review printed materials? Make a one-sheet about the importance of your cause on BDoG. Does she like to get information via bullet lists? Send her an email with links in the bullets for quick reference. When it comes to pitching, one size does not fit all. Tailor your pitch to your audience to ensure you’re heard.

Tie it Back to Your Values

Where can you bridge the information gap? Does your company emphasize its drive to end world hunger, or master new technologies, or boost employee success? Find an overlapping value in your giving area and in your company to make your boss feel like giving is less of a leap and more of a strategic decision to reinforce values.

Expand your Network

Worst case scenario: Your boss says no. No worries – just pivot. Tap your coworkers and network to find folks who are looking for ways to give, haven’t been exposed to philanthropic opportunities or haven’t yet heard about Inspire Giving, or your other favorite give areas. Remember: The answer is always no unless you ask.

Happy giving!

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