The Spirit of Entrepreneurship – Our Sacramento Story

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Lemonade Day is a program of the Sacramento Metro Chamber Foundation (the Foundation). Lemonade Day is a free, fun, online, experiential learning program that teaches youth how to start, own and operate their own business – modeled through a lemonade stand. The foremost objective of Lemonade Day is to empower youth to take ownership of their lives and become productive members of society – the business leaders, social advocates, volunteers, and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow. 

Each child that registers can participate in an online curriculum that teaches them the lessons of Lemonade Day like creating budgets, setting profit-making goals, serving customers, repaying investors, and giving back to the community. Along the way, they acquire skills in both goal-setting and problem-solving while gaining self-esteem which is critical for future success. They keep all the money they make and are encouraged to spend some, save some and share some.

Who benefits from Lemonade Day?

Since 2019, the Foundation has partnered with families, after-school programs, and schools in the Greater Sacramento Region to provide Lemonade Day to youth of all ages. Throughout the years, we have a range of ages participating – from kindergarten to high school. The youth may begin as kids but complete the program and launch their businesses as entrepreneurs, or as we like to call them “youth-preneurs!”  

Let’s talk about this year …

Fast forward to Summer 2023, Lemonade Day Sacramento has engaged nearly 4,500 youth entrepreneurs. The Foundation focused on engaging youth located in historically underserved communities to ensure they have access to learn financial literacy skills at a young age and become familiarized with entrepreneurship being an accessible career path. Lemonade Day entrepreneurs truly reflect the spirit of entrepreneurship as they hold the core values of what it means to be a Sacramento business owner – someone creative, innovative, and can showcase what this community is all about.

This year, we saw our youth entrepreneurs take the Lemonade Day lessons and internalize them to ensure their business stands and products were reflective of their personal identity and culture. Not only were their lemonade stands but stands for food and snacks, agua frescas, sweet tea, boba, various types of art, jewelry, and more!

Why should I get involved next year?

Through Lemonade Day, we see first-hand how Sacramento youth are taking their future into their hands and creating opportunities for success that will continue as they grow into adulthood. Without the support of Sacramento families, community partners, and generous corporate sponsors, Lemonade Day has led to opportunities from the U.S. Chamber Foundation and the California Office of the Small Business Advocate to engage in the program and support the youth entrepreneurs.

Lemonade Day changes the trajectory of youth’s future opportunities and careers; we are so proud and honored to be able to partner with our youth to further their success! Thank you to our 2023 Lemonade Day Sacramento Sponsors: Umpqua Bank, Retirement Security Centers, SAFE Credit Union, SMUD and Tri Counties Bank. 

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