Sacramento Metro Chamber Statement on State of California $15 Minimum Wage Increase

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In response to Governor Brown’s brokered deal in support of a $15/hour minimum wage, Sacramento Metro Chamber President and CEO Peter Tateishi issued the following statement:

“Governor Brown’s back door deal with legislators and labor unions for a $15 minimum wage increase is a blow to the Capital Region business community. This is an unfortunate development with unintended consequences for our Capital Region’s small business owners, consumers, seniors, teens, and non-profit service providers.”

The Metro Chamber participated in Mayor Kevin Johnson’s task force exploring a minimum wage increase last summer and fall and collectively worked with different interest groups, including labor, to agree a $15 wage for Sacramento will not work. Months were spent thoughtfully examining studies and potential impacts and the task force recommended a responsible $12.50 increase by 2020 that was adopted by the City Council.”

Tateishi added, “California already has one of the highest minimum wages in the country and a $15 wage would make it the highest statewide in the nation. The Capital Region does not compare to San Francisco or Los Angeles and we remain firm that $15/hour is not a workable wage for our city businesses and families.”

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