Member Welcome: Nation’s Finest

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Since 1972, Nation’s Finest has remained steadfast in its mission to support America’s military Veterans and their families. For over five decades, we’ve pursued a comprehensive approach to housing, health, and employment, empowering Veterans to achieve self-sufficiency and reach their full potential.

Operating across more than 30 strategically positioned locations in 15 predominantly rural communities spanning California, Arizona, and Nevada, we provide critical services and support to more than 7,000 Veterans and their families annually. Additionally, we operate a fleet of Mobile Service Units dedicated to reaching Veterans in rural areas with limited access to care, ensuring that critical services and support are delivered directly to those in need. Our facilities are staffed by diverse, compassionate teams dedicated to providing care to Veterans from all eras and backgrounds.

To learn more, visit or call 1-833-468-9676 (1-833-GOT-YOR6).

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