2020 Census Is Coming – How it Affects Businesses

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In mid-March, households throughout the Sacramento County region will receive a letter with instructions on how to complete the 2020 Census. That’s important news for everyone who has a stake in the local economy.

Census information plays an essential role in commerce. Companies use it to locate factories, warehouses, and stores. Small businesses use it to create business plans, find suppliers, and identify customers.

The Census ensures that Sacramento County receives its fair share of funding for programs that support schools, roads, and hospitals, and create jobs.

Census data also helps secure community representation in government.

The first mailings go out March 12. By April 1, all households should have been contacted.

Although households, not businesses, are the point of contact, the U.S. Census Bureau is the official source of statistical data tracking the national economy. Your support makes a difference.

Here’s how you can help.

  • Complete your census questionnaire as quickly as possible, and invite your employees, friends, your family and everyone you know to do the same.
  • Post messages on your social media accounts and make census information available in your workplace.  Visit https://norcalcensus.org to download the toolkit for sample social media messages, posters and
  • Learn more about how the Census impacts Sacramento County and our communities by visiting https://census2020.saccounty.net/pages/default.aspx.
  • Want to get involved? Sign up here: https://norcalcensus.org/contact/

If you have any questions please contact slothowerl@saccounty.net.

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