Metro Chamber’s endorsement of Ashby highlights business split on mayoral race

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By endorsing City Councilwoman Angelique Ashby for mayor this week, theSacramento Metro Chamber gave the clearest signal to date that the business community is split on the mayor’s race.

The Monday announcement attracted attention in Sacramento political circles. Many see Ashby as an underdog in a race against Darrell Steinberg, a former state Senate leader.

“It was a pretty bold move on their part,” said Democratic strategist Steve Maviglio, who has worked with both candidates.

“Most of Sacramento thinks (the mayor’s race) is Darrell’s to lose,” Maviglio added. “A lot of people would question why, with two excellent candidates, they would pick someone who is perceived as not having the best shot at winning.”

Steinberg has endorsements from Region Business, which will direct money from its Region Builders political action committee. He is also endorsed by theSacramento Association of Realtors, SEIU Local 1000 and Sacramento Central Labor Council.

Roy Brewer, chairman of Metro-PAC, said the Ashby endorsement came after multiple interviews and forums with the two leading candidates. The Metro-PAC board determined that Ashby “will be particularly effective in helping create new jobs and helping existing businesses grow,” Brewer said.

Those groups will be “more active locally,” said Josh Wood, chief executive of Region Business. “We’re confident (Steinberg) is going to win this race.”

The significance of the chamber endorsement won’t be known until the political action committee begins contributing to the councilwoman’s campaign. According to the Sacramento City Clerk website, Ashby has collected about $168,000 in her campaign account; Steinberg has received $249,000.

But Steinberg also received $1.4 million in contributions for a former campaign account for lieutenant governor. Most of that money could be used for the mayor’s race, said Steinberg campaign spokesman Jason Kinney.

Roy Brewer, chairman of Metro-PAC, said the Ashby endorsement came after multiple interviews and forums with the two leading candidates. The Metro-PAC board determined that Ashby “will be particularly effective in helping create new jobs and helping existing businesses grow,” Brewer said.

Source: Sacramento Business Journal

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