Make your voice heard – help place the Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 on the November ballot

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At 6:00 p.m. today Sacramento City Council will discuss how or if they will place the Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 (“the measure”) on the November ballot.  The measure, a comprehensive plan developed by the top legal minds in the State, enables the City to enforce anti-camping rules, site and build shelters, safe camping spaces and housing, which works towards reducing homelessness substantially. The measure is such an effective and comprehensive solution that other Cities in California emulated it and placed it on their ballots for November. Our City was poised to be a leader.

Now, instead,  Sacramento’s elected officials are waffling and considering backing out of their promise to place the Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 on the November ballot or inserting language that would tie any City action to be contingent on the County of Sacramento enacting a similar measure.  This action may seem reasonable, but it really effectively ensures no action will be taken to address homelessness until 2024.  This is not acceptable and has caused both the California State Chamber of Commerce and the US Chamber of Commerce to write letters asking the City not to waver.

The Sacramento Metro Chamber strongly opposes any changes to the Emergency Shelter and Enforcement Act of 2022 as alteration will essentially kill the measure.  The idea of presenting a distorted ballot measure to the voters of Sacramento that would give a false sense of hope and have zero impact is reprehensible. Instead, we ask you to demand the City keep its word and let you, the people, vote on the measure as it was written and agreed to by your City Council.  Anything less is a breach of responsibility.

The meeting is today, Tuesday August 9th at 6:00 pm. Please click here to access our City Council Tool Kit which will help you navigate how to participate in the meeting.  Click here for a letter template you can customize and send in to your councilmember.  Now is the time to make your voice heard.

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