Soil Born Farms

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Soil Born Farms

Organization Overview

Soil Born Farms is an urban agriculture and education project that empowers youth and adults to discover and participate in a local food system that encourages healthy living, nurtures the environment, and grows a sustainable community.

In 2012, Soil Born Farms received the Inspire Giving grant. Inspire Giving was able to support Harvest Sacramento, a collaborative effort of area residents, nonprofits, community groups, and businesses that harvest surplus fruit and vegetables from backyards and small orchards and donate it to local food assistance agencies.

How is COVID-19 impacting Soil Born Farms?

Soil Born Farms is a public education organization. Many think their main activity is growing food, but that is not the case. The farming income only represents about 8% of their budget. The rest is made up of fee-based classes, grant revenue, and weekly events. Soil Born Farms has had to cancel all of their direct education programming with youth and adults at the farm, in schools, and out in the community. This has resulted in staffing layoffs and a huge financial hit.

How Can I Help?

Financial Donations:

In-kind services to support the move to online sales and service activities. If you are able to provide this resource, contact Shawn Harrison:

Donation of a new tractor to help grow more food and maintain the site.

Helping Others

Soil Born Farms is working to execute virtual classes, educational videos, phone consultations, delivery of care packages (produce, fruit trees, plant starts, seeds, local bread, honey, etc) that can be purchased and/or covered by donations and get these to folks out into the community. Content would focus on supporting people in cooking/eating health food, growing their own food and general wellness for youth and adults.

Will they be participating in the Big Day of Giving? 

Yes! You can find their GivingEdge profile here:

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