Welcome to our new website!

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The new Metro Chamber user interface
The new user experience is designed to help us better communicate our mission

That’s right — metrochamber.org just got a new look!

Along with the refresh, we’ve added a few fun new features including a notification center that shares our most recent updates. We upgraded our newsroom page with a sortable categories feature making it easier to find the content you love. Our fillable interest forms throughout the website allow you to quickly connect with a member of our team. Plus, much more!

The new website focuses on the three “pillars” that make up the Sac Metro family:

Unless you are a Metro super-fan, you may not know that these separate entities are what make-up all the Metro programming, teams, and initiatives. Sometimes there is a bit of crossover so we’ve added another tab for ‘Community’ where you can find pages with collective information like our event calendar, newsroom, and sponsorship opportunities.

While we don’t want to spoil any surprises, we are continuing to add more pages and features as the site develops. We will keep you updated on those exciting changes as they launch!

Please take a look around, and feel free to email Marketing & Communications Manager Monica Griffis if you need help locating something.

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