Dear champions of the Greater Sacramento Region,
“The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.”
– Maya Angelou
I remember reading this quote for the first time and thinking about the tenacity, passion, and innovation that I’ve witnessed over the years in Washington D.C. attending the Sacramento Metro Chamber’s annual Capitol-to-Capitol program (Cap-to-Cap). Changemakers and advocates with their minds and hearts all working together because they deeply believe in the greater Sacramento region.
Since 1970 our delegation has represented the largest and longest-standing delegation of its kind. Cap-to-Cap has driven steady and consistent advocacy, ushering significant opportunities for business development, an inclusive economy and a vibrant and connected region.
Capitol-to-Capitol 2023 will highlight the vibrancy and diversity of our region’s art, food, and agriculture scenes, while we advocate in DC for a more livable and prosperous region.
This year continues to be mission critical – FOR BUSINESS. From pandemic business transformations, economic uncertainty, workforce development to food insecurity, wildfire prevention, water management, and housing – we are compelled to carry all these critical issues forward to policy makers and federal agencies that can, in turn, help us fulfill our goals for our region.
Now more than ever, we must come together, mentor and welcome all perspectives that represent the Sacramento region, and advocate for the community we believe in.
Your voice, your advocacy, your passion and your perspective are welcomed at the 51st annual Capitol-to-Capitol Program. We hope you will join us in the convening of incredible minds, celebrating our collective accomplishments, and highlighting our critical regional goals.

Meghan Phillips
Entrepreneur, CEO and Founder of Honey
As space is limited, attendance will be awarded to Metro Chamber members only. Sponsorship is also a member-only benefit. Join today to guarantee your registration and other members-only benefits. Contact Membership at (916) 552-6800.
Delegation Itinerary
Friday, April 21
Early departures for D.C.
Saturday, April 22
Main departures for D.C.
4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Welcome Reception
Location: The Mayflower Hotel
Sunday, April 23
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Chair’s Reception
Monday, April 24
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Opening Breakfast & Program
Team Meetings
Location: The Mayflower Hotel, Grand Ballroom
Morning / Afternoon
Lobbying Appointments
Tuesday, April 25
Lobbying Appointments
11:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Leadership Luncheon
Location: Cannon House Office Building, Cannon Caucus Room
1:15 p.m.
All-Delegation Photo
Lobbying Appointments
6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
The Legacy Gala
Wednesday, April 26
Lobbying Appointments
Main departures for Sacramento
*** Please note: Itinerary subject to change ***
Policy Issues
Delegates will be organized into teams for lobbying appointments. When registering online, you will be asked to select your first and second team choices.
- Air Quality
- Civic Amenities
- Community Development
- Economic Development
- Flood Protection
- Food & Agriculture
- Health Care
- Land Use & Natural Resources
- Public Safety
- Transportation
- Water Resources
- Workforce & Education
Sponsorship & Event Inquiries
The Metro Chamber offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities.
For questions or to request more information, please contact:
Susan Harris Brazelton
Phone: 916-826-5410
What is Cap-to-Cap?
Every year, the Sacramento Metro Chamber organizes a delegation of hundreds of area officials and business leaders to travel to Washington, D.C., and meet with federal representatives. The Capitol-to-Capitol program is meant to secure funding and resources for high-priority projects in the region and raise local concerns to officials at the national level.
What do attendees hope to gain by participating in Cap-to-Cap?
In 2018, then Mayor Christopher Cabaldon (West Sacramento) attended Cap-to-Cap. When reflecting on why he attended, he said “to secure funding for the Downtown Riverfront Streetcar project, which has been a significant regional priority and is partially in my own city.” Former Mayor Cabaldon left Cap-to-Cap with a victory, stating “As we left D.C., we got the support of Congress to move forward with the project and secured $50 to $100 million in funding for the project. Part of our objective was to make sure that Small Starts Grant agreement signed with the federal government.”
How has the Greater Sacramento Region benefited from Cap-to-Cap?
Cap-to-Cap helps provide a tremendous financial boost and investment to the Capital Region. And this funding — some of it to support workforce development— impacts all of our communities. The delegation has had an impact on resources around water/flood management/wildfire recovery, and so much more. As City Councilmember Rick Jennings, and former Oakland Raider, once said, “Cap-to-Cap is our Super Bowl.”