Growing leaders since 1985
Leadership Sacramento is a program of the Sacramento Metro Chamber Foundation that develops community-minded business and civic leaders of tomorrow. This year long interactive program provides a behind-the-scenes view of the issues that impact the region’s economy and culminates in the completion of a community project.
Why Leadership Sacramento?
Personal and professional development
Leadership Sacramento is an amazing program designed to surround you with like-minded, yet totally diverse individuals you wouldn’t otherwise have a chance to interact within your daily work or personal lives. Many of your classmates will become friends for life.
Participate as a group in a community service project benefitting a local nonprofit that leaves a lasting mark on our region and the community.
Expand your understanding of what is happening across Sacramento’s various sectors from some of the most influential leaders in our region.
The people you meet, the places we go, and the industries we learn about contribute to what makes Sacramento a healthy region. Leadership Sacramento is your foot-in-the-door to help you identify what role you want to play in it.
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors
Presenting sponsors

Legacy sponsor

Interested in joining next year’s Leadership Sacramento class?
Applications for our 2025 cohort have closed. Please check back for more information soon.
Class projects
Each class works collectively to select and complete a community service project to benefit a nonprofit organization, project or cause. Past projects have included:
Habitat for Humanity: Implemented “Rock the Block” to make community repairs and improvements in local low-income neighborhoods.
Wellspring Women’s Center: Renovated outdated kitchen serving nearly 200 women and children in Oak Park every weekday with a nutritious breakfast, free counseling, enrichment classes, and safety net services.
Courage Worldwide: Assisted organization focused on combating human trafficking with additional housing, services and the start of new café to support victims.
Mustard Seed/Loaves & Fishes: Re-purposed a storage area to a multi-use room for children facing homelessness to learn life skills and explore future career paths.
Boys & Girls Club: Renovated seven rooms at downtown location to include a dance studio, recording studio, technology lab and fashion design arts studio.
Soil Born Farms: Developed and built an outdoor classroom and amphitheater to promote local agriculture for regional residents.

Monthly sessions
Each month, Leadership Sacramento explores a new subject. The goal for each day is to give class participants a unique behind-the-scenes experience that furthers their knowledge of each subject, demonstrating the impact the subject has on the region and providing information and connections to enable immediate community action.
Monthly sessions have included:
- Regional History
- Law & Order
- Business of Being Green
- Arts, Culture and Entertainment
- Government
- Economic Development
- Communications & Personal Branding
- Education
- Non-Profit

The Leadership Sacramento program accepts approximately 40 individuals after an extensive application review process by volunteer leaders, Metro Chamber staff, and the alumni committee.
Applicants must live and work in the six-county Sacramento region (El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo or Yuba county).
A conscious effort is made to select participants who represent a cross-section of the community in terms of experience and occupation to build a diverse class with various backgrounds.
What makes an ideal candidate?
A strong interest in learning about business and community in the Sacramento region and what makes it all work together.
A passion for finding a place to help yourself and others build Sacramento’s leadership pipeline
Shows potential for advancement into leadership roles or an entrepreneurial spirit within their industry.
A strong sense of community and the desire to enhance our region through a demonstrated involvement in volunteer or program participation.
Attend one applicant information session.
Attend an orientation retreat.
Attend at least 9 of the 11 regular monthly sessions, held the second Thursday of each month virtually and/or at various locations throughout the region.
Complete homework assignments that serve to enhance the participant experience.
Actively participate in the class community service project, which will require additional time commitments (the extent of which depends on the project chosen by the class).

Jamie Von Sossan
3Fold Communications
Leadership Sacramento gave me the opportunity to meet people inside and outside of my industry that I may not have had a chance to come in contact with. The Metro Chamber’s continued support of this program shows its commitment to growing our region from the inside out.

Verna Sulpizio
Class of 2015
West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Sacramento is an investment I would highly recommend to others. Whether you’re looking to learn more about Sacramento, develop your leadership skills, or expand your network – Leadership Sacramento is the place to be.